Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Super fun Onesie dress

I have been saying for a long time that I am going to make a onesie dress.  I keep looking at other blogs and seeing how cute they are.  This is the one that I initially fell in love with:
Look how cute this one is:

Finally I have motivated and made one - look how cute it turned out:
It was super easy - cut out the fabric and sew it on the onesie - I added the little cuffs and added a little flower with a button in the middle.  I have another one that I made that I acutally like better that I will post as soon as I motivate to upload my pictures.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fun with Fabric Yo-Yos!

My sister and I went to a craft fair a few weeks ago and saw cute headbands made out of fabric circles.  We had never seen them before and immediately rushed home to try to re-create them.  As it turns out, they have a name: yo-yos.  (I guess this is common knowledge for most crafters, news to me.)

I was finishing up a patchwork skirt for a 5 year old's birthday present and I put a few on a shirt to give the outfit a sense of completion:

A super simple tutorial for the skirt can be found here.  I just followed her basic directions but mine was made with a patchwork style using fabric that I made a quilt out of for the same little girl.:

 As coincidence would have it a friend of my mom's was getting rid of a big bag of these so my sister got super crafty and decided to sew them on a dress that someone handed down to her.  Apparently the dress had some other ugly flowers on it and she didn't think she would ever dress her daughter in it, but now with the yo-yos on there, voila!  It is tranformed and looks super cute.  Too bad we don't have two of them and her daughter and mine could wear them for the wedding they are going to be in this summer!  Great job, Sis! 

Here are some other fun things to do with yo-yos and the links where they can be found:
Super cute fabric yo-yo pillow:
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Here is an entire dress if someone is super motivated:

If anyone has their own ideas for using yo-yos of sees some great uses for them, feel free to share!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fabric Letters

My daughter is now 5 months old and I thought it would be nice to make a big fabric "E" to hang above her bed.  If I am really motivated, it might be nice to actually spell out her whole name - Esther. 

I went to the fabric store today and, as usual, I bought more than I probably needed.  Now all I have to do is figure out the best way to create the letters.  I am browsing the internet for some ideas, but can't seem to decide.  Here is a picture of her room now:

Here are some options that I found:
I like the orange "r" because it allows you to embellish and add buttons and other accessories. 

The "e" below is cute too, but I envisioned something a little puffier. 

I remember seeing someone's blog awhile ago that had made fabric pillows with letters on each one - so when the kids are having a pillow fight or building a fort, they were also learning their ABCs. 

I like how this one looks, with a variety of fabrics:

Your thoughts? 

Friday, April 30, 2010

Stylish lunch bag

I love this idea for a reusable lunch bag.  The fabrics are so eye-catching.  There is a tutorial for one here.  I am guessing that using oilcloth would make it last a lot longer. 
Maybe my mom will see this post and make one for me....

Super cute shoe pattern

I want to make these shoes someday - if not for my own baby, for someone else.  I found them at this woman's BLOG.  She was even nice enough to include a link to the free tutorial.

Why this Blog?

THE IDEA: I had an idea to start a different blog where I would post all of the great crafty projects I was working on.  I had all of these amazing ideas that I would create and post, complete with directions and how-to photos.  My goal was that my blog would inspire others and we would create this amazing community of crafters who would share ideas.

THE PROBLEM: The problem is that I am not working on any projects right now.  Sure, I have my sewing machine out and periodically get inspired to make something small, but rarely do I make the time to actually sit down at the sewing machine, let alone actually take pictures and write on a blog.  I sit at the computer I get sucked into the web and am amazed at all of the creativity out there.  I find super cute craft projects that I tell myself I want to make someday, but then I inevitably forget about it. 

THE PLAN: This blog is my attempt to keep track of all of the craft projects that I someday want to attempt.  Even if I never attempt them, they are projects that I like and wish that I would make the time to create or better yet, I wish that someone else would make them for me.  Even if I never make them, I enjoy looking at them. 

Hopefully this blog serves kind of like an "idea blog," that when I finally do sit down and start creating (this summer maybe?), I will have a lot of ideas to pluck from.  I am hoping it will inspire others to be creative, share ideas, and be more crafty!

                                               Happy crafting.